Fujifilm X100V

A very overdue post, but as I always say, ‘I’m trying to be more regular with these posts’.

I’ve had my X100T since 2015 and it’s become one of my favourite cameras I’ve ever owned. it’s been all over the world since I brought it. I skipped the X100F due to not being a huge upgrade over the T, but with the introduction of the V, it’s finally time to upgrade this camera after nearly 5 years.

Originally I was going to pick up an XPro3 [see previous post], but the fact I’d have a 23mm [35mm EQV] lens on the body 99% of the time, it doesn’t make sense to buy it when the X100V is a much more compact camera.

I’m looking forward to jumping from the 16mp sensor [which came out in 2011…] and processor to the latest processor and 26mp sensor, it’ll be a huge difference. Not to mention 11FPS, New lens, Excellent face and eye detection, 4K video, F Log which is ridiculous on such a camera, USB C charging.

  • Same sensor & processor as flagship X models

  • 4k video, 120 video, F log recording

  • New F2 lens

  • Usb C charging

  • New ISO dial, amazing!

  • Tilt screen, which is the most flush to body I’ve ever seen.

  • New EVF - same as Xpro 3 [I think]

I think the camera will sell a lot. I saw a lot of people pick up the Fujifilm X100F in the last year. The X100 series is really becoming the ‘Pros Fun Camera’. Can’t wait to pick mine up at the start of April.

Hands of with the Fujifilm X-Pro3

I’ve recently come back to London from a short trip to Japan.

As with recent trips to Japan, I find myself at Fuji Square in Tokyo. Here I was able to try out the new X-Pro 3 for myself.


So let me talk about the elephant in the room, the rare LCD screen, or there lack of. The camera doe have a LCD screen, but it’s hidden. Instead we are given a sub LCD monitor that can display information, similarly to the GFX 50s. Alternatively, you can display the ‘film simulation’, which is nod to classic film cameras.

Do I like it?

Well I think it looks gorgeous, and I don’t hate it. The X-Pro line as always been a niche camera, trying to bridge the gap between an analogue range finder finder and a Lecia. Does it bother me the screen is hidden, not really… I always shoot from my eye, I never compose a shot vida the LCD screen. I often review images on the optical viewfinder. I can understand peoples frustration about it, but I do understand where Fujifilm are going with this concept.

The idea is to just shoot and not keep reviewing constantly. It’s about enjoying the essence of taking photographs, which I personally love.

I have come from shooting film, so get the nod toward the cardboard edge you’d place in the back of your body. I really like this idea, it’s really cute. People would say it’s a gimmick, but I think it’s a nice aesthetic to the camera, giving it a touch of colour and character.


I played with this camera twice, in Fuji Sq and Yodabashi Camera. In Yodabashi I Went a bit more to town on it, shooting 11FPS from the waist viewfinder. I was pretty blown away by this. I don’t shoot from the hip, but the idea of being able to flip down the screen and shoot from the hip at up to 11 FPS is something that could is really amazing.

Fujifilm have really split the fan base on this one, a much loved series of camera has seen a lot of hate on this latest release. I must say that people just need to get their hands on it, a lot of reviews say that, and it’s true. I wasn’t completely sold by the idea at first, and even my initial thoughts of flipping the screen down wasn’t that great. But once i played with the camera a bit I started to like the idea of not being able to see the images.

The feedback on this new system Is strange, everyone seems to love film, Fujifilm give you a more analogue way of shooting, and people lose their heads over it.


  • 4k Video 200MB [it’s just nice to have sometimes, waiting on the new GFX to offer this]

  • Bigger EVF

  • New Film Simulation is gorgeous, mimics their Superia FIlm

  • Cute little back LCD

  • Titatnium finish for [around] £200 more

  • 11FPS

  • USB C charging

  • 2 card slots

  • focus limiting, very cool feature.


  • ISO dial, yes it’s like an analogue camera, but I and other hate it, so cumbersome. You can assign a button to change the button.

  • Same old Fuji battery, would be nice to see a larger battery in the near future.

  • Removal of D pad. I’m happy to use the joystick to navigate, but you lose 4 custom function buttons.

  • Some will not like the tilty screen, even I find it cumbersome at times.

  • Titanium Finish can get really grubby.

Everything aside, I think the XPro series is one of the nicest designed camera out there. I’ve longed for one [Pro 1/2] since there release, but for some reason never committed to buying one. Though now I’m fully Fuji, both X series and GFX, I think it’s time to finally commit to buying this camera.

Coffee Cups


Some more coffee themed work from recent tests. Also a Behind the Scenes shot as I wanted to get it all in one.


Why Fujifilm & The GFX?

Anyone who knows me knew this post was coming. I’m a massive Fujifilm fan since switching to them in 2017, from Canon. Funnily enough my first ever digital camera was a Fujifilm S5000. A 3.1MP camera which at the time, I loved and knew little to nothing about cameras.

So I switched from a Canon 5DMKII to Fujifilm GFX50s in 2017, which is a huge upgrade.

So why Fujifilm? Well I’ve always wanted a medium format camera and came very close to buying a Leaf Credo 50 back in 2015 for my Mamiya RZ67II. Thankfully I opted to buy a bicycle and cycle a thousand miles across Japan over 8 weeks.

I brought a Fujifilm X100T when before I started Mochimono, just to have a point & shoot camera. I didn’t use the camera that much during the early stages of the project. I think it was the 35mm format I couldn’t quite get to grips with. Later on I learned to love the camera, handling, quality and layout of the camera.

DSLR’s have never felt like a proper camera to me, the looks & handling have always just been so boring. I know it’s about the sensor and what the camera can achieve, but I never felt any enjoyment went using the camera. It just felt clunky & ugly.

When Fujifilm announced the GFX50s I was instantly interested, a medium format sensor for a third of the price of a Phase one/Leaf 50MP back! I first handled the camera in Yodabashi Camera, Tokyo, when I was on a job for San Miguel. I remember trying the 110mm F2, taking pictures of shoppers and was blown away by the fall off of this lens, it looked like my RZ67II film camera.

As soon as the camera was ready I pre-ordered it & within a week of its arrival I was shooting a 5 day job across England & Scotland.

Aside from the fact that you get the same sensor that’s in the Phase One IQ250 for about £15,000 less [at least] I have stated why I love this camera so much. So I’ll run it down in bullet points.

  • The dials, having physical dials on the camera for things like shutter speed, ISO etc… feels so much more intuitive.

  • Large Sensor, offering more quality than you’d ever need and that fall off, it’s just buttery smooth & makes the subject pop.

  • Fujifilm Firmware, constantly updating their cameras with fixes & improvements.

  • I’m able to adapt various legacy & new lens, from Canon, Mamiya, Contax, Nikon to name a few.

  • The feel of the camera, it’s big, but it feels great in the hand & is still as heavy if not lighter than most DSLR’s.

  • Side loading battery door.

  • Detail, latitude & quality of the files, it’s unreal.


And to be fair, a few things I don’t like so much.

  • 1/125s of a shutters peed, this isn’t a deal breaker for me as thankfully Broncolor lighting is supported via HSS, though it may mean some extra costs in updating equipment in the near future.

  • The cooling brick at the back, that’s the only thing that makes this camera a bit ugly, but hey the 50R is the prettier model.


With the recently released 50R version, which again I tried in Tokyo late last year [in MAP Cameras]. I feel that the GF system gives me the perfect workflow for what I need. I’ve been thinking about the 50R recently, it would be handy to have a second body of the same format. Personally I see the R as more or a replacement for the Mamiya 7 I had, lighter weight, for more project based work whilst travelling & everyday life. I’m sure I’ll be the owner of one of these by the end of the year.

Also another reason I enjoy Fujifilm, I feel like they actually care. They decided to release a really niche camera [format] with GF system, using their legacy & knowledge of medium format to produce a camera to rival Phase One & Hassleblad.